Someone noticed something in the most recent Amygdala Simulation. More intrusions from Riley.
The first intrusion was one I picked up, which read: "YOU NEED CONTEXT - RILEY", which was at the beginning, before it properly started. However, there were two more that I missed. One in the middle of the video, and one at the end.
The first is at around 30 seconds, before the video starts talking about the board. It reads: "IT PROMISES SOMETHING UNFATHOMABLY HORRIFYING - RILEY"
The second is right at the end, before it cuts off. It reads: "IT OFFERS LIES WE CAN BE FREE AND SAVE THOSE LEFT - RILEY"
I wonder what the Signal's goal is here. I know it wants to spread. That much is clear. It's taking over people to aid its spread. But what does it actually want? What is this "unfathomably horrifying" future it wants? Obviously the board of Upstaged must've seen some potential in that future, if they were considering it. Then again, they were the ones that were considering using the Signal, so I don't know whether the future they saw would've been good for much of anyone. At the same time, it's hard to imagine many scenarios that justify murdering eleven people, or abandoning however many dozens of employees. Edward had a plan; why wouldn't it have worked?
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