Thursday, June 3, 2021

Riley & Wyatt: Chat Log 3

11:27 [Riley] I met up with nashiko yesterday, but something bad happened
11:35 [Wyatt] What happened
11:35 [Riley] thomas was taken
11:35 [Riley] he was cornered by the other two, and now he's gone
11:35 [Wyatt] God dammit
11:36 [Wyatt] Is Nashiko okay?
11:36 [Riley] she wasn't attacked, if that's what you mean
11:36 [Riley] I'm with her right now and she's a wreck
11:36 [Riley] we got out of there once we confirmed thomas was gone
11:37 [Wyatt] Okay, at least she's okay
11:37 [Riley] yeah
11:37 [Wyatt] Did you learn anything at least
11:37 [Riley] yes
11:37 [Riley] we found evidence that there was at least one other person accessing marionettes
11:38 [Riley] maybe more; all I know is that someone accessed it while none of the rest of us were online
11:38 [Wyatt] Do you know who
11:38 [Riley] not sure
11:38 [Riley] marionettes should tell me, but it won't
11:38 [Riley] I just get an error when I look
11:39 [Riley] the only person who I know is still around is penelope
11:39 [Wyatt] Didn't you say that she hasn't accessed Marionettes in a while
11:39 [Riley] yes, her account is still inactive, but I cannot think of who else this person could be
11:39 [Riley] and it fits with some upsetting information I learned
11:40 [Wyatt] What is it
11:40 [Riley] you know how I told you that someone left a trail through marionettes? which is how the signal was able to escape?
11:40 [Wyatt] Yeah I remember
11:40 [Riley] I think it was penelope that did that
11:41 [Wyatt] Oh
11:41 [Wyatt] So this is all Penelope's fault
11:41 [Riley] I don't really know how to process this
11:41 [Riley] she and I were really close back at Upstaged
11:42 [Riley] but knowing she was the one that started this... I don't know what to think
11:42 [Wyatt] Do you know why she did it
11:42 [Riley] I'm not sure
11:42 [Riley] but now I'm thinking back to a couple years ago, when I ran into her again
11:43 [Riley] I tried to talk to her, but she said she didn't know who I was
11:43 [Riley] I thought I might've gotten the wrong person at the time, but I know it's her now, she looked very similar to how she did before
11:44 [Riley] I don't think she could've forgotten me; no upstaged employee was forced to forget what happened, just people in general
11:44 [Riley] so I don't know
11:44 [Wyatt] I'm sorry, Riley
11:44 [Wyatt] I don't know 
11:44 [Wyatt] We'll figure out what started all of this though
11:44 [Wyatt] And we'll figure out a way to fix it
11:45 [Wyatt] If Penelope started it, then we need to make sure she doesn't make it worse
11:45 [Wyatt] I don't know why she would've started it, but at least we can try to stop her from making it worse
11:45 [Riley] yeah, I guess
11:45 [Riley] I'll regroup with you tomorrow, and bring nashiko with me
11:45 [Wyatt] See you then

This chat thread is dated October 17th, 2018. That's three days before I received the anonymous package in the mail, which is what let me back into Marionettes. Whoever the user was that Riley mentioned wasn't me.

I broke into Marionettes in 2006, not long before it closed. Out of curiosity, mainly. Just a few days before, if I'm remembering correctly. I don't remember anything being let out. 

Is she lying, or am I forgetting? I don't see how I could forget, but... well, Riley isn't the type of person to lie, from what I remember. Who knows, though. My memory apparently isn't as complete as I'd like it to be. And there was what the strange message told me.

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