Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Amygdala Simulation 1 - Shattered

Video: https://youtu.be/50a09Yx6L30

Every night for the past few nights, I've been seeing a broadcast on my television. I recorded it. I think it might be from the corpse of Upstaged, which is currently infested by the Signal. I don't know who, if anyone, else can see it.


  1. I'd get rid of the pendant. It's some sort of receiver and from your posts, what it's receiving is doing a number on you. Be well!

    1. I don't have the pendant. As far as I know, it's still in station 85, but since Marionettes has been compromised, I'm not sure what's been going on there.

    2. I see. What was in the package you received, then? Also through what means is this transmission being broadcasted to your TV? Do you have satellite, bunny ears, or something else?

    3. I didn't see this originally. The package I received had a remote access key to Marionettes--essentially a thumb drive that let me download a remote control panel. My television should not work, but it receives these broadcasts anyways.

  2. I also made a discord if you or anyone else would be interested in coming in to talk. I'm currently the only member.
