19:21 [Thomas] I'm here.
19:22 [Nashiko] Alright, cool. I'm still at the other end. We're just gonna meet up in the middle?
19:24 [Thomas] We just need to make sure to keep each other updated on what we find. So far, I think it's changed rather significantly.
19:25 [Nashiko] It's a fuckin' house. That's a big change.
19:27 [Thomas] I knew the locations were getting weird, but this is... well, it's something else
19:27 [Nashiko] You're tellin' me.
19:38 [Nashiko] I found a staircase.
19:38 - Nashiko sent c3RhaXJjYXNl.jpg
19:39 [Nashiko] Things are seriously glitching out here, which is a bad sign.
19:41 [Thomas] A very bad sign. Don't go down.
19:43 [Nashiko] I mean, we said we came to check it out, right? We have to know what exactly is happening.
19:46 [Thomas] And what if this is where [TGlseQ==] went down? After what happened to her, I don't want to risk it.
19:47 [Nashiko] Look, I'll be in and out. I promise
19:48 [Thomas] Nashiko, don't.
19:50 [Thomas] Nashiko, I said DON'T.
19:51 [Nashiko] Well, I got good news and bad news.
19:51 [Thomas] Did you go down?
19:52 [Nashiko] I did, and it's not where she went. I'm safe.
19:53 [Thomas] Oh, thank goodness. Don't EVER do that again.
19:53 [Nashiko] Well, like I said, I have some bad news, too.
19:53 - Nashiko sent ZW1wdHk=.jpg
19:55 [Thomas] It's already moved.
19:56 [Nashiko] Yup. It managed to transform into this, and then it moved. Bad sign.
19:59 [Thomas] God dammit, alright. I'm going to go find you, and then we'll sweep the rest of the place together. We have to find it.
c3RhaXJjYXNl.jpg recovered. Displaying:
Alright, thing one's a bit weird. Something related to Upstaged transformed, and is now moving, or something. Everything's in base64 like always; I think Marionettes automatically does that. Regardless, the first file name translates to "staircase", and the second translates to "empty". Strangely enough, however, the random base64 in the middle of the chat log translates to "Lily", which is interesting, to say the least. I'm not sure why the name is changed like the file names.